As the warmer weather approaches, insect bites and stings become much more common. Be on the lookout for this problem with your pet. With some advance preparation on your part, you can often prevent this from becoming a serious problem.
Check your house and out structures frequently for signs of active insect nests. If found, take steps to remove these promptly, but with care.
If you observe your pet getting bitten or stung, immediately dose him/her with Benadryl (aka Diphenhydramine) according to the chart below. You can apply a cool compress to the affected area for about twenty minutes as additional pain relief. More often than not, the actual bite or sting is not observed. When this happens, you will most likely notice a swelling around the face. Again, a dose of Benadryl and a cool compress is in order in these cases as well.
If your pet doesn’t respond to this treatment, or if you notice any neck swelling or breathing difficulties, call your veterinarian at Brenford Animal Hospital immediately.
Pet’s Weight Dose of Benadryl
< 5 pounds ½ teaspoon of Children’s Benadryl Liquid
5-15 pounds 1 teaspoon of Children’s Benadryl Liquid
15-35 pounds one 25 mg Adult Benadryl Capsule
36 – 60 pounds two 25 mg Adult Benadryl Capsules
60 – 85 pounds three 25 mg Adult Benadryl Capsules
85 – 115 pounds four 25 mg Adult Benadryl Capsules
Over 115 pounds five 25 mg Adult Benadryl Capsules